ESTIMATED DELIVERY DISCLAIMER We strive to provide accurate delivery timeframes for your convenience. However, these are estimates and may change. For the latest updates, please track your shipment using the tracking number provided in your shipping confirmation email.
DELIVERY TIMEFRAME Processing Time: 1 to 5 business days Delivery Time: 15 to 20 business days (includes worldwide orders)
SHIPPING COSTS All shipping is FREE for every order, worldwide.
HOLIDAY SHIPPING INFORMATION During peak holiday seasons, additional processing time may be required. Ensure timely delivery by placing your orders early.
P.O. Boxes: Delivery may take 15 to 20 business days.
APO/FPO/DPO Addresses: Delivery may take 15 to 20 business days.
Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories: Delivery may take 15 to 20 business days.
Processing Days: Monday to Friday (excluding federal holidays).
Signature Requirements: Expedited shipments may require a signature.
CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 1203 Town Center Drive, FL 33458, USA Phone: +1 772-232-9395 Email: